Central Athelete Lingo and Expectations

Remote coaching requires active, open communication for optimizing your training and our relationship. Below, we have outlined a number of procedures to create the best experience for both of us in this journey.

1. Lifestyle Suffice to say, quality sleep, quality nutrition, and balancing stressors are essential in this process. Over time we will continually modify and evolve your prescription on all three points. Without successful lifestyle practices in place it will be difficult to achieve complete fulfillment in your fitness.

2. The Prescription Perhaps the most central aspect of communication is results reporting. Expect a template provided to you on a weekly basis through FitBot. (Please let your coach know if you do not receive an e-mail from FitBot with instructions on how to log in.) Once you open FitBot, please scan the document and verify your understanding on all points throughout the week. It is best to ask questions at this time, as opposed to right before an individual training session.  We recommend adding FitBot to the home screen on your phone for fast access.

3. Results Reporting Following completion of a session please note results in FitBot. The example below illustrates how we would like each day of the week organized. Notice the original prescription is provided and dated with the results mirrored underneath.


A. Jerk - build to a moderate single off blocks in 12 min

B. Strict Press – Every 90 sec x5 sets – build to heavy triple

C1. CGBP @3110- 3-5 x 4 - rest 60 sec

C2. Seated DB Shoulder Press @2010 - 8-10 x 4 - rest 60 sec

A. up to 190#

B. 135, 145, 155, 165, 175#

C1. 115/4, 120/4, 125/3, 125/3

C2. 45# x 10 for all.

4. Progressive Overload This principle underscores the need for greater demands to be placed on the body during successive workouts over time if improvement is to be achieved. The most common way to apply progressive overload in a resistance training program is to increase the resistance used in performing a specific exercise (increase weight from the previous week). Progressive overload is a necessary component of a resistance training program if continued gains in strength and power, local muscular endurance, and other physiological adaptations are desired.

5. The Plan You are expected to be 100% compliant with the prescription provided. It should be noted that we will recycle workouts if last week's training has not been completed. Do not add extra work without notify and being authorized to do so. This includes, but is not limited to: local or online competitions, sessions with friends, or rec-league sports. The total physical stress load placed on your body is paramount to your success and is closely controlled through programming. We ask that you please report any outside training or physical activity that you do throughout the week on FitBot.

6. Reaching Out It is your responsibility to contact Central Athlete when warranted. At any time you may contact your coach through FitBot. Your coach is very responsive to FitBot during normal business hours (8am-5pm CST) Monday through Friday. Typical turn-around time is short, but on occasion can exceed several hours. Coaches are known to check emails during off-hours but make no promises on responsiveness at these times. Every month your coach would like to meet with you to discuss all aspects of the remote coaching process for 15-30 minutes. Please book these appointments at least one week ahead of time. A link will be sent out at the first of each month for you to schedule through. Most coaches are open to off-hour scheduling, as well, when it is required in special instances.

7. Billing, Hold, Cancellations If you have problems with your billing or you have finished your contract and would like to cancel your programming, please contact Amanda O'Brien, our Coaching Coordinator (amanda@centralathlete.com) and she can assist you.

8. Missed Sessions All missed training sessions for the previous week will be recycled to the following week. It is up to the Coach to determine at what extent this happens. For example, if you miss Monday and Tuesday but train Thursday and Friday, the Coach has the final call on recycling Monday and Tuesday and progressing Thursday and Friday or vice versa. The Coach has final decision as to which scenario would be more advantageous to you.

9. Supersetting

A1. Romanian Desadlift @ 30X0; 3-5 x 3; rest 2:00

A2. Dumbbell Bench Press @ 4011; 8-12 x 3; rest 2:00

This means that you would perform 3-5 reps of A1, rest 2 minutes, then perform 8-12 reps of A2. Rest 2 minutes after A2 before you go back to A1.

This is called supersetting and can be done with multiple exercises.

10. Rowing

Viewing your past workouts when rowing:

On the Main Menu, select More Options.

Select Memory.

Choose how you want to see the workouts listed: List by Date or List by Type.

If List by Type, then choose a specific type and select List Workouts.

Use the up and down arrows to navigate to the workout you want to view, and select the magnifying glass icon (fourth button on the right).